Our principles

Individual approach to each client

General rules established in laws and business practices do not cancel the individual approach when working with each client. Each business entrusted to us is unique! It is interesting for us to creatively solve the tasks based on the characteristics of the dispute of our client.


The provision of legal services of consistently high quality is the main principle of activity. Knowledge and experience allow us to effectively protect the interests of our clients in matters of any level of complexity, as well as quickly and competently solve all legal problems that arise in our clients.

Cost optimization for our customers

One of the most important principles of work is optimizing the costs of our clients for legal services. This means that we offer only those services that are really necessary to solve a specific customer issue, and we also try to determine the approximate cost of our services in advance. We are principled opponents of inflated or “opaque” accounts for the provision of legal services. An honest relationship with our customers comes first to us.


We make every effort to save our customers time. Well-established work, cooperation with other law firms and lawyers help us quickly solve problems and protect the interests of our clients at the moment when they needed our legal assistance. We inform our clients in a timely manner about the progress of specific cases and processes, changes in legislation and judicial practice affecting their interests.


We are guided by the principle of ethics. This principle includes both the application of the principles of honesty and openness in working with a client, as well as ethically correct recommendations for solving each problem affecting the problems of its dispute.

A responsibility

The only promising position is one that is based on legislation and is based on common sense. In working with our clients, we always take an honest and frank position: offering all legal ways to resolve issues, we inform clients of all possible risks and prospects - taking into account trends in changes in legislation. Aware of our responsibility to clients, we strive to ensure the highest quality standards in the provision of legal assistance.


One of the main principles of activity is the observance and preservation of customer secrets. Strict confidentiality is a prerequisite for customer confidence.